Maintenance and Reliver Therapy (MART)


WockAIR 160/4.5mcg MART licence means it can do the job of two inhalers for your adult patients with asthma¹

MART is a combined ICS and LABA treatment in which a single inhaler, containing both ICS and a fast-acting LABA, is used for both daily maintenance therapy and the relief of symptoms as required bringing ease and flexibility to your patients²

The benefit of MART for your patients (compared to separate maintenance and reliever inhalers):

  • Effective management approach

    which can improve your patients’ symptom control3

  • Exacerbation Rates

    Superior to higher dose budesonide/formoterol maintenance + SABA reliever in terms of severe exacerbation rates4

  • Less ICS exposure

    Helps your patients achieve daily asthma control with substantially less ICS exposure5,6,7

  • Elimination of SABA

    The overuse of SABA (more than 3 canisters per year) is associated with increased risks of exacerbation and mortality⁸˒⁹


With MART in asthma, patients take a daily maintenance dose of WockAIR® and in addition also take WockAIR® as needed in response to symptoms, meaning both controller and reliever in one handy device.¹

MART administration applies to the 160/4.5 inhaler only. Patients should be advised always to have WockAIR® available for rescue use.

Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at:

Adverse events should also be reported to Wockhardt UK. Please contact us or email us at


1. WockAIR® Summary of Product Characteristics.

2. NICE guideline [NG80]. Asthma: diagnosis, monitoring and chronic asthma management.

3. Storrar WM, Chauhan AJ. Prescriber. 2015; 26: 29−33.

4. Kuna P, Peters MJ, Manjra AI et al. Effect of budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever

5. Bousquet J, et al. Respir Med. 2007; 101: 2437−46.

6. BTS SIGN. British Guideline on the management of asthma. 2019. Available at: Last accessed: Aug 2021

7. Asthma UK. Maintenance and Reliever Therapy (MART). Available at: Last accessed: Aug 2021

8. Nwaru BI, Ekström M, Hasvold P, et al. Overuse of short-acting β2-agonists in asthma is associated with increased risk of exacerbation and mortality: a nationwide cohort study of the global SABINA programme. Eur Respir J 2020; 55: 1901872

9. Bloom CI, Cabrera C, Arnetorp S et al. Asthma related health outcomes associated with short acting beta-2 agonist inhaler use: an observational UK study as part of the SABINA global programme. Adv Ther 2010: 37; 4190-4208